Would you systematically spend 1,620 USD a month if you knew your salary is only 1,000 USD? Yes, if you could squander your father’s inheritance and yes, if you were reckless, not to say anything worse than that… But the family treasure may not last forever, and you would be spoiling your son’s future.
In 2015 Earth Overshoot Day lands on August 13th. Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. We have spent only 61.6% of this year’s time and we have already consumed everything what Earth could give us until December 31st. Or, turning it around, as of December 31st, we will end up by having spent 162% of what would have been sustainable for this year. We maintain this deficit by liquidating stocks of ecological resources and accumulating waste, primarily carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
We are consciously heading towards Earth’s ecological bankruptcy.
We Architects, Engineers and Project Managers cannot hide from our direct and substantial responsibilities in all of this. We may not be the ones in charge of the political, economical, social, industrial, energetic decisions and policies which will determine such bankruptcy but we are instrumental in it, unless we put our knowledge, skills and expertise at work to design and build a better and more sustainable world. It may not be so simple, nor so obvious.. but we have a moral obligation to try to our best.
We, at LC & Partners Engineering Consultants, are committed to doing so.
Visit www.overshootday.org to know more about Earth Overshoot Day and the Global Footprint Network
LC & Partners Engineering Consultants, established in 2004, is a young and dynamic multidisciplinary Architecture and Engineering Consultancy firm, internationally active in projects for transport infrastructures, civil, military and industrial buildings, energy and environment offering fully fledged architectural and engineering services ranging from initial feasibility studies and masterplans to all stages of design, procurement, works supervision, design management, project and construction management and technical advisory services.
Visit our website www.lcandpartners.com